Life Health & Variable Annuities

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][list style=”2″ title=”Term Life Insurance” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/term-life/” icon=”icon-forward”]Term life insurance is the original form of life insurance and is considered to one pure insurance protection because it builds no cash value, contrasting whole or universal life. [/list][list style=”2″ title=”Whole Life Insurance” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/whole-life/” icon=”icon-forward”]A type of permanent life insurance that has an investment-like cash value component and stays in effect for as long as you make the premium payments. Whole life insurance is beneficial for people with complex financial situations or estate planning needs. [/list][list style=”2″ title=” Individual & Family Health Plans” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/individual-and-family-health-plans/” icon=”icon-forward”]Individual, or family, health insurance is also commonly known as personal health insurance or private health insurance. Most insurance companies …[/list][list style=”2″ title=” Fixed & Variable Annuities” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/fixed-variable-annuities/” icon=”icon-forward”]Annuities are financial contracts between you and an insurance company. You give the company money now and the company pays you an income at a later time….[/list][list style=”2″ title=”Disability Income” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/disability-income/” icon=”icon-forward”]When you’re healthy and working, it’s hard to imagine being disabled by illness or injury. But it can happen and it impacts thousands of families each year…..[/list][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][list style=”2″ title=”Return of Premium Life” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/return-of-premium-life/” icon=”icon-forward”]Essentially a combination of term & whole. The concept is that the policy returns the premiums you have paid for coverage over that fixed term period if coverage is never used. As with all insurance plans, with a return-of-premium policy, a death benefit is paid out should you pass away. [/list][list style=”2″ title=”Variable Universal Life” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/universal-life/” icon=”icon-forward”]A type of permanent life insurance policy. When the stock market is ticking upwards, you will have the ability to accumulate funds which can then be used for education, accelerated mortgage payment, or additional monies for your retirement. [/list][list style=”2″ title=”Individual and Family Dental and Vision Plans” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/individual-and-family-dental-and-vision-plans/” icon=”icon-forward”]AIB can you source the dental or vision plan that makes the most sense for you and your family. There are different plans for different needs….[/list][list style=”2″ title=”Long Term Care” link=”index.php/life-health-variable-annuities/long-term-care/” icon=”icon-forward”]We are becoming increasingly cognizant of the exponential rise in costs associated with long-term care (LTC) for senior citizens and other people…..[/list][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]