Landlord Protection Policy

The needs of a landlord are different from a typical homeowner.  That’s why we work with you to source landlord’s rental insurance policies. Because that will  provide you with a a broad range of essential property protection. Landlord Protection Policy will cover:

Landlords Insurance will provide you with protection from lawsuits as well as provide you with payment for loss of rental income:

Protection from lawsuits:  One of the biggest risks landlords face is liability for injuries or property damage on a rental property. We will source coverage to protect you from lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage arising from the use of your personal property.

Payment for loss of rental income: If you rely on the income from your tenants to pay your mortgage, you could face significant challenges. With coverage from AIB, you will receive payment for your loss rental income during the repair or rebuilding.  Up to the limit specified in your policy.


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