Employee Benefit and business Life

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][list style=”2″ title=”Buy & Sell Agreements” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/buy-and-sell-agreements/” icon=”icon-forward”]Every co-owned business needs a buy-sell, or buyout, agreement the moment the business is formed or as soon after that as possible…[/list][list style=”2″ title=”Group Health ” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/group-health/” icon=”icon-forward”]Business owners have been in search of affordable and quality benefits packages for years. AIB works with some of the e major health insurance…[/list][list style=”2″ title=” Group Life, Disability” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/group-life-disability/” icon=”icon-forward”]Disability – AIB will help you source both long and short-term disability coverage for your employees…[/list][list style=”2″ title=”Long Term Care” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/long-term-care/” icon=”icon-forward”]We are becoming increasingly cognizant of the exponential rise in costs associated with long-term care (LTC) for senior citizens…[/list][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][list style=”2″ title=”Key Employee Insurance” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/key-employee-insurance/” icon=”icon-forward”]You might also want key employee insurance if you employ one sales person who generates 80 percent of all your revenues. If that person is incapacitated…[/list][list style=”2″ title=”Group Dental” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/group-dental/” icon=”icon-forward”]AIB can help source flexible discount dental plans that are easy to implement and practically effortless to manage. We will source innovative turnkey solutions…[/list][list style=”2″ title=”Legal Services Plans” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/legal-services-plans/” icon=”icon-forward”]A Legal Services Plan is just like having life, car, or homeowners insurance – wise protection in case of an unforeseen emergency…[/list][list style=”2″ title=”Retirement Plans” link=”index.php/employee-benefit-and-business-life/retirement-plans/” icon=”icon-forward”]If you’re self-employed or have your own business, AIB can direct you to a quality retirement plan solution. It’s a great way to save for your own future,…[/list][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]