Hurricane Season

What must you check on your policy for the hurricane season

Hurricane and tropical storm season are around the corner in Florida. This windy season can lead to homeowners double checking insurance policies. Homeowners should make sure they have a policy that will keep their home safe and covered before the storm season hits. Because hurricanes and tropical storms can leave catastrophic damage to a home, here are a few must haves to protect one of your most important assets.   

How can I make sure I’m fully covered? 

Hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30th. During this time, homeowners should review their policy with a qualified insurance agent. Recent hurricanes have caused massive flooding and some homeowners are more aware of what their insurance needs are. According to the NOAA , there are six to ten hurricanes predicted this 2021 year. When choosing your policy, you need to know how much risk your home is in. Your policy can greatly depend on a few factors: 

Importance of checking your policy

Because your home is one of your largest investments, you need to make sure you protect it completely. One of the most effective ways to protect your home is reviewing your insurance policy. When reviewing your insurance policy, make sure you have the must have coverage for hurricanes. Florida is a hurricane state and because of this we want to be vigilant on what our policy can do for us. 

Flood insurance, windstorm, sewer back-up and ALE coverage is just a few of the items you can check off when preparing for a hurricane. This coverage is a minimum and homeowners should make sure their policy is up to date. Remember, some flood insurance policies are covered on a yearly basis. Because hurricane is so vital to homeowners, they should place their policy in good hands with American Insurance Brokers. Luckily, you can receive your free quote and talk to a qualified insurance agent here.