Common Commercial Insurance
There are different types of common insurances. They are essential to business owners. Commercial insurance protects your business from inevitable accidents, injuries, and lawsuits. Therefore, insurance can provide peace of mind. However, without insurance, owners risk the financial stability of their business. The most common types of commercial insurance start with: Commercial property insurance Business […]
Commercial Truck Insurance Requirements
As a commercial truck operator, you will want to know the exact insurance requirements to protect your investment. Commercial truck insurance will protect you from financial loss so this insurance should be the number one priority. The type of insurance you’ll need will vary with what you are hauling. If you’re hauling hazardous materials, the […]
Business Interruption Insurance
Is business interruption insurance right for you? Business interruption insurance is an important add on to your insurance policy. While property insurance protects your business from physical damage, income or interruption insurance protects your profits. Because building a business is hard work, protecting your investment is an easy decision. Business interruption insurance protects the profits […]
Hurricane Season
What must you check on your policy for the hurricane season Hurricane and tropical storm season are around the corner in Florida. This windy season can lead to homeowners double checking insurance policies. Homeowners should make sure they have a policy that will keep their home safe and covered before the storm season hits. Because […]
The Value of Commercial Insurance Broker
Finding the right insurance for your needs can be overwhelming. The insurance industry has its own terminology and each state has different regulations. Clients can feel confused about how much coverage they need or what their state requires to protect their investments. Clients can expect an insurance broker to guide them into the right choice. […]
Loading Dock Safety Tips
Forklift accidents cost business more than $135 million each year, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) and that´s only one type of accident that can occur on the loading dock.
Why is Truck Insurance Important?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Why is Truck Insurance Important? Truck insurance in Florida can be quite overlooked. Trucks are rather large and bulky vehicles, yet they share the same roads and highways as everybody else in rather small, normal sized cars. This does leave room for some risks on the road and while you driving, we want to […]
Commercial Truck Insurance Companies in Florida
Which Companies Offer Truck Insurance Commercial truck insurance companies in Florida can seem endless. In some occasions, without assistance it may overwhelm a business owner who uses commercial trucks. From Progressive, Granada, NITIC, MacNeil Group, and Ascendant Insurance, highlighting the top 5 trucking insurance companies will assist business owners in choosing the best possible coverage […]
Commercial Insurance Brokers
What is Commercial Insurance Commercial Insurance is what is provided and/or executed by non-governmental agencies. A commercial insurance broker is the negotiator between the insurance providers and the customers. The U.S. population has reached an overall high of approximately 330 million. 44 million of the population are uninsured, while 38 million do not have the […]