How to Protect Your Home from Summer Storms and Flooding

How to Protect Your Home from Summer Storms and Flooding

How to Protect Your Home from Summer Storms and Flooding. Summer storms and flooding can be devastating to your home. However, you can minimize the damage with some preparation and proactive measures. Prepare Your Home’s Exterior Start by inspecting your home’s exterior. Trim trees and shrubs to reduce branches that could cause damage—secure outdoor furniture, […]

Landlord and Homeowners’ Insurance

what is the difference between homeowners insurance and landlord insurance

Renting out your greatest investment can be nerve-wracking and confusing. As a homeowner, you’ll need to know what kind of insurance you’ll need so that you can protect your home. Landlord and Homeowners’ insurance differ greatly in coverage and cost. Researching your policy and insurance should be the first step into earning passive income with […]

When to get homeowners insurance when buying a house?

when to get homeowners insurance when buying a house

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What is Homeowners Insurance? The big question everyone will ask is when to get homeowners insurance when buying a house, but first let’s ask, what is homeowners’ insurance?.  Homeowners insurance is a form of property insurance that is able to cover losses and damages to a person’s house and to the assets within the […]